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Protože jsme oba po empirickém ověření museli dát článku za pravdu, uschovávám si tu pár výpisků z četby:

Four major factors that contribute to a vacation that offers recovery: 

  • relaxation
  • control
  • mastery experiences
  • mental detachment from work

Let's look closer:

  • Relaxation means engaging in activity that’s pleasant and undemanding. A state of low activation and increased positive affect.
  • Control means having the power to decide how you spend your time, energy and attention.
  • Mastery experiences are engaging, interesting things that you do well. They’re often challenging, but this makes them mentally absorbing and all the more rewarding when they’re proficiently executed. "Flow" experiences.
  • Psychological detachment from work works even in the military service, even though it can be physically and mentally challenging. Detachment also requires being able to escape work-related interruptions. 

The benefits of vacation don’t last very long. Research shows that happiness levels rise rapidly during the first few days, peak around day eight, then plateau or slowly decline. 

While two- or three-week vacations may have their virtues — they can let you travel farther and spend more time learning about other cultures, for example — long vacations don’t necessarily translate into greater happiness. 

Breaks are like sleep: you need to take them regularly to benefit.

Na cestě za jednoduchostí a prostými okamžiky uprostřed lesů kousek za Plzní bylo snad nejtěžší hledat mastery experiences. Nakonec jsem si je ponejvíc našla v kuchyni a zcela mě to naplnilo. Na příští dovolenou ale tenhle bod musíme připravit pečlivěji :-)